
What's SVG Ordinals?

Currently, in Ordinals, pixel art and low-resolution images are the mainstream.
The reason is that inscribing large images onto Ordinals requires a considerable amount of gas fees.
SVG Ordinals use vector images, so you can create high-quality Ordinals with super high definition and crisp lines using comparatively smaller file sizes of SVGs.
SVG files can be created with Illustrator or free vector creation tools.
To inscribe these vector images in Ordinals, it is important to keep the number of paths as minimal as possible.

This image is an SVG file that is only 10KB.
Bitcoin Mouse View on website

This project is not Recursion.

What's Recursion?

Recursion is a new technology in Ordinals that allows the combination and display of multiple Inscriptions.
This means that by pre-inscribing various parts, they can be reused indefinitely.
However, since creators must upload parts themselves, they initially bear the cost of gas fees.
Once inscribed, these parts can be used countless times, whether 100 or 10,000 times, facilitating the creation of high-quality generative collections.
When users mint, they only need to inscribe about 1KB, making the minting cost significantly lower.

First, prepare an SVG file drawn in vector.
Be careful not to mix in raster images.


Create Project
For 'Height/Width', specify the size of the image to be created.
For 'Website URL', you must set the URL for the Mint site.
'Unisat API' is optional; however, if a shared API key is used, there is a risk of reaching the access limit.


Go to editer
To update the basic information of the project, please press the "Set" button.
To open the Editor, press the "Edit" button.


Insert Layer Group
Please insert the layers of parts suitable for your project.
The depth of the parts can be changed with the Up/Down buttons.


Go to Insert Item
Upload the SVG file you have prepared in advance.


Insert Item
Upload each part one by one. Please drop the file into the Drop area.
Be careful not to mistakenly insert it into the wrong group.


Check Items
Once the insertion is complete, the images will be displayed in a list.
You can search by group. Additionally, you can view a preview of randomly layered parts.


Once all the items are uploaded, inscribe all the parts onto Ordinals.
It is recommended to do this during times when the gas fees are relatively low, as this process incurs gas costs.


After the inscribing is finished, wait for some time and then press the "Check" button.
It's complete when the "Order" status changes to Completed. You can check the progress of the transaction by pressing the "View" button.


Finally, copy the code and replace [your-api] with your project's API key to complete your mint site.
Please be aware that due to provider or server security settings, it may not function in some cases.

How to SVG Splitter


What's SVG Splitter?
SVG Splitter is a handy tool that splits the first-level groups of an SVG file and saves them as individual files.


When using this tool, be careful with how you group elements.
For example, organizing the first-level groups into layers such as "Body," "Head," and "Face" can be effective.
Additionally, making the child elements of the first-level groups into named groups for each part can facilitate your work.
For instance, under the "Head Group," you might have subgroups like "Beret" or "Headband" for each specific part.

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